Emergency Housing
Emergency Housing may be available if you urgently need somewhere to stay tonight or in the next seven days. For more information on Emergency Housing please visit: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/housing/index.html
We need more information because:
We don't know if you are 16 years or older
We don't know if you do not have a home to live in or you do not have a place to stay for the next 7 days
However you do meet these requirements:
You are a New Zealand Citizen or Resident
How to apply for Emergency Housing
Call 0800 559 009 or come into your nearest Work & Income Service Centre.
Need help outside of working hours?
Our phone line (0800 559 009) is open from 8am to 6pm on weekdays, and 8am to 12pm (midday) on Saturday.
If you need help outside these hours, you can go straight to an emergency housing provider in your area.
Find a provider in the Family Service Directory (https://www.familyservices.govt.nz/directory/)
For more information on Emergency Housing please visit: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/housing/nowhere-to-stay/emergency-housing.html
If you can apply online for more than one service, you only need to fill out the form once.