Do you have an urgent need?

Tīrohia tāu pea e riro ai

He puka ārahi tēnei hei whakamōhiotanga māu e pēhea nei Te Hiranga Tangata e tautoko ai i a koe me tō whānau.

Ka uia koe e mātou ētahi pātai. Tēnā pea ka hiahia hoa koe mōu, he whānaunga rānei hei tautoko i a koe. Ka tōna 5 miniti te roa.

Hei te mutunga, ka kī atu mātou ki a koe he aha e whakaaro ai mātau e taea ana pea e koe te whiwhi.

Ka nui ake ai ngā kōrero ka hōmai e koe, ka tika ake ai ngā putanga. Ka kore mātau e mau atu i ō urupare.

Mēnā rā he hoa tāu, ka taea hoki e ia te whakaoti atu i te puka ārahi. Ka rerekē pea ngā moni whiwhi ki a koe ki tērā me tō hoa.

Kia mārama mai, he puka ārahi kau tēnei. Mēnā rā kei te hiahia tono mai, tēnā haere ki MyMSD

Why can't I apply here?

This is a guide only. If you want to go ahead and apply, go to MyMSD or call 0800-559-009 or 0800-552-002 if you are over 65. When you call, the system will ask you what you are calling about. Speak normally – it will listen to you and understand what you want to do.

We’ll then have a chat to work out exactly what you qualify for, and what you need to do.